Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (2025)

Tyson Foods demographics summary. Zippia estimates demographics and statistics for Tyson Foods by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found that:

  • Tyson Foods has 139,000 employees.
  • 40% of Tyson Foods employees are women, while 60% are men.
  • The most common ethnicity at Tyson Foods is White (63%).
  • 14% of Tyson Foods employees are Hispanic or Latino.
  • 14% of Tyson Foods employees are Black or African American.
  • The average employee at Tyson Foods makes $39,706 per year.
  • Tyson Foods employees are most likely to be members of the republican party.
  • Employees at Tyson Foods stay with the company for 4.1 years on average.

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Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (1)

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Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (2)


Male - 60%

Female - 39%

Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (3)


White - 62%

Hispanic or Latino - 13%

Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (4)

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Tyson Foods employee diversity statistics

  • 40% of Tyson Foods employees are female.
  • 63% of Tyson Foods employees are white.


Tyson Foods Diversity Score

We calculate the diversity score of companies by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of their workforce.

Tyson Foods CEODonnie D. King
IndustryFood, Beverage & Tobacco
Company TypePublic
Tyson Foods Employees Who Are Women40%
Tyson Foods Executives Who Are Women28%
Tyson Foods Employees Who Are Minorities37%
Tyson Foods Executives Who Are Minorities36%
Most Common Minority At Tyson FoodsHispanic or Latino
Most Common Foreign LanguageSpanish

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Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (6)

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Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (7)


Male - 60%

Female - 39%

Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (8)


White - 62%

Hispanic or Latino - 13%

Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (9)

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Most common Tyson Foods locations

RankCityJob CountAvg. Salary
1Springdale, AR95$36,301
2Amarillo, TX15$37,042
3Cincinnati, OH14$40,778
4Bowling Green, KY13$38,547
5Waterloo, IA12$41,079
6Council Bluffs, IA12$40,110
7Enid, OK11$36,224
8Warren, MI9$40,143
9Fayetteville, AR9$36,274
10Omaha, NE7$38,799
11Kansas City, KS6$38,902
12Columbia, SC6$37,951
13Saint Joseph, MO5$40,075
14Fort Smith, AR4$36,049
15Pasco, WA4$43,826
16Vineland, NJ4$42,390
17Haltom City, TX4$36,609
18Houston, TX3$36,469
19Philadelphia, PA3$40,922
20Olathe, KS3$38,808

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Tyson Foods employees education

  • The most common highest degree level of Tyson Foods employees is high school diploma, with 42% of employees having at least a high school diploma.
  • The most common major among Tyson Foods employees is business. 28% of Tyson Foods employees majored in business.

Schools of Tyson Foods employees

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff



Arkansas Tech University



Majors of Tyson Foods employees




General Studies






Degrees of Tyson Foods employees

High School Diploma









Tyson Foods demographics by department

  • Tyson Foods is a male-dominated company. 60% of Tyson Foods employees are male and 40% of Tyson Foods employees are female.
  • The most common race/ethnicity at Tyson Foods is White. 63% of employees at Tyson Foods are White.

Tyson Foods gender ratio

  • Male, 63.6%
  • Female, 36.4%

Racial distribution at Tyson Foods

Hispanic or Latino14.7%
Black or African American14.2%
  • White, 62.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino, 14.7%
  • Black or African American, 14.2%
  • Asian, 5.9%
  • Unknown, 3.1%

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What is the average age of Tyson Foods employees?

  • The most common age range of Tyson Foods employees is 20-30 years. 52% of Tyson Foods employees are between the ages of 20-30 years.
  • The least common age range of Tyson Foods employees is less than 18 years. 2% of Tyson Foods employees are between the ages of less than 18 years.

Less than 18 years

18-20 years

20-30 years

30-40 years

40+ years

Tyson Foods employee average age

Employees AgePercentages
Less than 18 years2%
18-20 years12%
20-30 years51%
30-40 years20%
40+ years12%

What is the average length of employment at Tyson Foods?

  • A plurality of employees at Tyson Foods stay for 1-2 years. 31% of Tyson Foods employees stay at the company for 1-2 years.
  • It's rare for an employee to stay with Tyson Foods for 8-10 years. Only 5% of Tyson Foods employees stay at the company for 8-10 years.

Less than one year

1-2 years

3-4 years

5-7 years

8-10 years

11+ years

Tyson Foods employees' length of employment

Number or YearsPercentages
Less than one year27%
1-2 years31%
3-4 years12%
5-7 years15%
8-10 years5%
11+ years10%

Tyson Foods salary range

  • A plurality of employees at Tyson Foods earns $25k-40k. 59% of employees earn a salary of $25k-40k a year.
  • The least common salary at Tyson Foods is $100k-200k. Only 2% of Tyson Foods employees earn a salary of $100k-200k a year.

Tyson Foods competitor salary comparison



















Tyson Foods job listings by salary range

Salary RangeTyson Foods
<$25k1,970 jobs-
$25k-40k37,812 jobs-
$40k-60k14,338 jobs-
$60k-100k8,597 jobs-
$100k-200k1,256 jobs-
>$200k9 jobs-

Most common Tyson Foods employees’ certifications

  • The most common certification among Tyson Foods employees is certified nurse assistant.
  • 18% of employees at Tyson Foods have a certified nurse assistant.
1Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)American Red Cross
2Generator Technician CertificationEquipment & Engine Training Council
3Commercial Driver License (CDL)Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
4Certified Vocational Expert (Diplomate)American Board of Vocational Experts
5CPR (CPR)National Safety Council
6HVAC Maintenance Technician CertificateDelaware Technical Community College
7OSHA Safety Certificate Delaware Technical Community College
8Medical AssistantAmerican Society of Phlebotomy Technicians
9Leadership CertificateGlobal Knowledge
10Forklift Safety and InspectorCrane Institute Certification
11Medical CertificationFederal Aviation Administration
12Advanced First Aid & CPRNational Safety Council
13Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)National Healthcareer Association
14Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC)International Foundation for Retirement Education
15EPA Amusement Operators Safety Certification (EPA)Event Planners Association
16NSF-IFSEA HACCP Manager (HACCP)International Food Service Executives Association
17Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
18CPR & AEDNational Safety Council
19Certified Management Accountant (CMA)The Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business
20Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

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Tyson Foods employee political affiliation

Tyson Foods employees are most likely to be members of the Republican Party. The largest donation made to a political party by a Tyson Foods employee was by John Tyson, who donated $234,900 to the Republican Party.

Tyson Foods

Political parties of Tyson Foods employees

Republican Party




Democratic Party




Libertarian Party




Tyson Foods employee political donations

NameJob TitlePartyDonation
John TysonChairperson, Board Of DirectorsRepublican Party$234,900
Barbara TysonBoard MemberDemocratic Party$169,815
Don TysonChairpersonDemocratic Party$31,300
Donald SmithPresident/Chief Executive OfficerRepublican Party$29,500
Robert FullerRequirements ManagerDemocratic Party$6,245
Richard RoopQuality AssuranceRepublican Party$6,100
Archie SchafferGovernorDemocratic Party$4,250
Donald WrayRequirements ManagerRepublican Party$3,950
Brad TysonExecutiveRepublican Party$3,950
Sara MaySenior Vice PresidentRepublican Party$3,585

Tyson Foods demographics FAQs

How many employees does Tyson Foods have?

Tyson Foods has 139,000 employees.

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Working At Related Companies

  • Pilgrim's
  • Cargill
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  • Butterball
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  • Seaboard
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  • The Kraft Heinz Company
  • Hormel Foods
  • Conagra Brands
  • Lear

Related Company Jobs

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Tyson Foods Highest Paying Jobs

  • CDL Driver jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Shift Production Supervisor jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Manufacturing Labour jobs at Tyson Foods
  • General Production Manager jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Machine Operator jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Maintenance Supervisor jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Forklift Operator jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Technician jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Maintenance Technician jobs at Tyson Foods
  • 2nd Shift Supervisor jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Accounting Administrator jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Controls Technician jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Production Shift Manager jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Production Supervisor jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Refrigeration Technician jobs at Tyson Foods
  • Companies
  • Arkansas
  • Springdale, AR
  • Tyson Foods
  • Tyson Foods Demographics

Updated July 21, 2023

Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Tyson Foods, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Tyson Foods. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Tyson Foods. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Tyson Foods. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Tyson Foods and its employees or that of Zippia.

Tyson Foods may also be known as or be related to Tyson Bros., Inc., Tyson Foods, Tyson Foods Inc and Tyson Foods, Inc.

Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia (2025)


Tyson Foods Number of Employees, Statistics, Diversity, Demographics, and Facts - Zippia? ›

Tyson Foods total number of employees in 2021 was 137,000, a 1.44% decline from 2020.

How many employees does Tyson Foods employee? ›

Tyson Foods total number of employees in 2021 was 137,000, a 1.44% decline from 2020.

What are the demographics of Tyson Foods? ›

Tyson Foods: Racial Diversity in the Workforce (2019 - 2021, %)
Asian11.0% 11.0%10.2% 10.2%
Black24.4% 24.4%24.8% 24.8%
Hispanic27.9% 27.9%28.2% 28.2%
White32.5% 32.5%32.2% 32.2%
1 more row

How many people work at the Tyson plant? ›

Approximately 2,500 people work at the Wilkesboro plant.

How much money does Tyson Foods make a year? ›

Tyson Foods revenue for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $52.879B, a 1.39% decline year-over-year. Tyson Foods annual revenue for 2023 was $52.881B, a 0.75% decline from 2022. Tyson Foods annual revenue for 2022 was $53.282B, a 13.25% increase from 2021.

What is the highest paying job at Tyson Foods? ›

What is the highest salary at Tyson Foods? The highest-paying job at Tyson Foods is a Chief Counsel with a salary of $432,982 per year (estimate). What is the lowest salary at Tyson Foods? The lowest-paying job at Tyson Foods is a Bagger with a salary of $32,343 per year (estimate).

Is Tyson Foods the biggest company in the world? ›

The company is the world's second-largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork after JBS S.A. It annually exports the largest percentage of beef out of the United States.

Who is Tyson Foods target audience? ›

Tyson Foods is also the leading protein provider to many national restaurant chains, including quick service, casual, mid-scale, and fine dining restaurants. We make great food for a variety of foodservice customers, including schools, military bases, hospitals, nursing homes and international customers, as well.

Who are Tyson Foods largest competitors? ›

Tyson Foods's competitors
  • COFCO.
  • Hormel Foods.
  • Pilgrim's.
  • Darling Ingredients.
  • Marubeni.
  • Wilmar International.
  • Bunge.
  • Archer Daniels Midland.

What are the sustainability issues with Tyson Foods? ›

In 2022, Tyson Foods produced 18.8 billion gallons of wastewater at 41 plants. That would fill 3.25 Olympic-size pools every hour. Researchers at the Union of Concerned Scientists estimate that from 2018 to 2022, Tyson Foods produced 87 billion gallons of wastewater at 41 plants.

What is the salary of the CEO of Tyson Foods? ›

— Donnie King of Tyson Foods Inc. in Springdale earned nearly $13.2 million in total compensation in fiscal 2023, according to a proxy statement filed by the company with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.

How many people work in Tysons? ›

With 115,000 office and retail workers, Tysons is the nation's 12th-largest employment center.

How many farmers work for Tyson? ›

Are you already a Tyson Poultry Farmer? Independent farmers play a vital role in our success. We rely on more than 11,000 independent farmers to provide healthy chicken, cattle and hogs that have been treated properly and raised with modern, proven animal care practices.

Is Tyson Foods financially stable? ›

Financial Performance Highlights

The company's financial statements reflect a robust turnaround with second-quarter sales reaching $13,072 million, slightly down by 0.5% from the previous year's $13,133 million.

Who is Tyson owned by? ›

The Arkansas-based company made $53.6 billion in sales last year and has been family-run for generations. Chairman John H. Tyson and his family are worth $2.5 billion, making the Tysons one of the country's wealthiest families.

What is the goodwill impairment for Tyson Foods? ›

The effective tax rate for the three and twelve months ended September 30, 2023 is impacted by a $333 million and $781 million goodwill impairment, respectively, as the impairment charge is non-deductible for income tax purposes.

How big of a company is Tyson Foods? ›

In August 2014, Tyson Foods, Inc., completes its acquisition of The Hillshire Brands Company, resulting in a company with more than $40 billion in annual sales and a diverse portfolio including brands such as Tyson®, Wright®, Jimmy Dean®, Ball Park®, State Fair®, and Hillshire Farm®.

Who owns the majority of Tyson Foods? ›

Who owns the most shares of Tyson Foods (TSN)? Vanguard owns the most shares of Tyson Foods (TSN).

How many people did Tyson lay off? ›

Jesse Dougherty, a spokesman for Iowa Workforce Development, said less than half of the nearly 1400 workers who lost their jobs when the Tyson plant closed in June applied for jobless benefits in July.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.