The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

A A A A A A 10 The Daily Record, The Stroudsburgs, Pa. May 9, 1962 1 Bizerte is called "the French Gibraltar" because it 5s on the narrowest part of the Medilerrancan Sea. SHERMAN Last (2) Nites At 7 9 scaring MOGERS AND PAT BOONE RUNNERSTEN'S BOBBY DARIN NEW PAMELA TIFFIN STATE ANN-MARGRET EWELLI TOM FAIR 3 ALICE FAYE 46 ct ONEMA MASCOPE COLOR bY DE LUXZ 26 Tonite GRAND 7 9:30 4 Days Only HONORABLE SCREEN SMASH! ROSALIND ALEC GUINNESS A MAJORITY OF ONE DERAIN LEROY PRODLCTION TECHNICOLORO FROM WARNER BROS. The Daily Record Classified Section Results Little Cost" Phone HA 1-7349 Robert S. Widmer Classified Adr Manager Races 3-Inc ad.

6 dare. 3-line Additional Ad 3 lines Additions! lines 08. 3-15ne ad daT- are 00 Additional Dues ea. alec: 3 lines Stintmuin charge. $1.00 Commercial Rates -Special.

Request- BLUEBIRD Lodge Motel (Formerly Rosann) -Atop 611 South Now Open For Business Under New Management Bar co*cktail Loungo Dining Room When Looking For Where To DANCE Or Where To DINE check This Page Everytime (Amusem*nt Page) HA 1-3000 POCONO ICE-A-RAMA INDOOR ICE SKATING RINK and Amusem*nt Center Aftrencuba Evenings Son. thru Fri. Mon. Thur. p.m.

to p.m. 7:50 p.m. to 10:80 p.m. Sat. Sun.

Bun. 12:30 p.m. lo 3 p.m. 0:30 pm. 1a p.m.

8:15 p.m. 10 8:90 p.m. 9:15 n.en, to 11:30 p.m. Skating Your 'Round Skate Rentuls netles north al 190 194 Adatomink, Pa. IT.A I-6405 Serving MOTHER'S DAY DINNERS I P.

M. to P. For Dining that's Just Complete Dinners Utte different In nico Country setting Adults $2.75 why not phone your ervations Children $1.50 By Reservations -Dial ORleans 6-3800 The Lancaster Winifred Utt, owner On Route 191 South Sterling HEDDY'S BAMBOO TROPICAL BAR AFF Echo Phone: Lake, Bushkill Pa. LU8-6877 Take Mother to "the Place that's Different" Superb Food 2 Dining Rooms Seating Capacity 275 10 Well Trained Waitresses 3 Chefs Ready To Serve You Our Famous Dinners $2.75 Children Under Including Shrimp, Seafood co*cktail or Fruit Cup Steaks Chops Seafood Chicken Prime Ribs of Beef Dinner SPECIAL COMPLETE 3.00 Please Make Reservations Early Policy The Dally Itccord reserves the right to cult, or 1 Any 21l. vertisine Li not 10 the Adjustments Errors, a0l the fault ot the advertiser, which cirarly Leasen the value of the hie corrected the lirst day.

when one extru corrected Insertion will be made wibout charge The Record on zeaponsibilits fur after the Firer Insertion. Closing Time Deadline for Classified play 3 a trio to parent Cur when cony, must be 141 before 12 0001 Want LAds accepted From A 10 3 1: (ur the following alar Ail id Saturday tor Monday edition Want Ads 1n the Section. many 1-e Classifiru up Display ads. hie to 3 :00 cancelled up to 11:00 a. DO for che next edition.

Dally Record Box Replies Received yesterday: 177, 181, 182, 183, 181, Special Notices 8 'NOTICE Penasrirenla Department of sylvania. Sealed well Highway nt the office ot the Recretary ot Room North Octire Boliding. State Caplini, 11:00 castren saving rime. May Mi, wbon bits will Ir publicly noul Kobedulel nad contract swarded thereafter 15 constration mpproximanly 99.310 Incar No highway consisting ol reinforl conretn pave fort. 21 fort And variable in wilth on each atelo of a n.ole width cattle median and lurinding 1 rrintorced emitdox 1 trillforced concrete -arch ralrert and for 1 pair of hridges with alrezonte ARIL 1 bridges Will: Alternate superstructures having 14 length nt 418 fret.

Townships, lt. L011 (UI 700 CAr. blanks and ray Construction are avnilaldo at a $1.20 State Sales Tux also Ale arp vross sortions at a cost nf plus 51.10 State Tar They 10 he obtained upan sunliration to 1210 Pennsylvan: Department of North Office Boliding. Harrisburg. A rofuced for or PrONE or ill but he made.

They 11: 86072 At the offices of 11e Department of the Pennsylvania Department nt North Ins. 410 COmerS Avenue, Statu Offire BulldLn Gatewar Coutor. burgh and 1717.41 Strept. Allentown. Part H.

Secretary ni waRS, BARTONSVILLE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Serving Family- Dinners Fine co*cktalla Wines Catering to Route 611 Phone MA 1-2151 DINE AT arkony's Country Inn Sea Food Dinners Sloaks Smorgasbord Winners A la Carlo Et, 12 at Saylorsburg WY 2-1126 Special Notices NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING TO THE SHAREBOLDERS OF LUTHERLAND, You are hereby notided that the Annual Meeting of the Sherehohters of LUTHERLAND, INC wIll be held at the COToffice al Pines, County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, May 10. 1964. a1 11:00 A. Daylight Saving Time. fur the following purpose: To elect seven Directors for the cuzoing Fear: and to transact auch other 5 RS may properly CONIS before tho mering.

Fig Order of the Roard of DIe ROBERT R. ERGANG. Heeretary NOTICE TO VENDOR COSMONWHALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Properly All Supplies. Room 160. Main Harrisburg.

Seated Proposals will be received until nEun o'clock AM. P.M.'T.. June 1, 1902 and them on Claaa Offlee Furniture for the contract period beginning July 1. 1062 Acad Roding Jiane 10, 1963. And Intormalion may he nbasned upon application to the a attire.

Thin Commonb reserves the right to regret ANY AT All parts hide. ANDREW 3 Secretary NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant 10 Section nf Art of Tune 45. 1047. F. 1145, its amendmenta And ments, that the Stroud Uninn School Distrlet.

Monroe Counts, Pennsylvania, Sntend to adopt a Itosolution tovging an OccUpAtional tax for At the rate of thirty -right mills on each one dollar of oh carl rail every resident or Inhabitant. of The ALe nt twenty-010 yours ur over. within the Limits Stroud Union Schont al a mooting of thin finari ol Directors at salE School IMstrict 10 be held en the Ath das of 1002, at. Orlack n. 1ST.

The reason which, in the of the Bonrd nt nt the Stroud Union ate not sufficient to salary Inetonxeg of 110 teaching -tarr. to the cust repairs and maintenance and In TRY the cost of fiannl pupil transportation 1.11cl 1 portion of the rental of wall School District a rontract with the State Guilding Autharils. 'The muonni rt 1.0 derived train this tax Is the sum of A Order ft The or Seoul Laton School District. MOTH TAURER. L'eraldent JOUN P.

IM. Sealed proposals will be rereicl at mablicly pupped and read he the Supervisors of 11 hom*o Sourne County 71 af 8 p.m. Mar 16r 1. 1013 for thin following: 21.00 gallons pore or 1053 (' P. ne 1.000 tons more OT ICES No.

stour. 30) tons more or loss No. 1, stone oll nod stone to be dollyered and abplled on oli at orrisor's directions. Stones In Applied with' approved surinder box. only bide for hoth all stone considered.

Corms. Sporifera Form of Contract And Instrur. tion to Riddora moV obtained al the home of. or hy wrltlag to Willa Clugston. Sorrotarr, Hoard of Supervisors, T31: 3.

Enst Pennsylvania. The materinis hieroln, shall merl the Slandard Specitirations ot the Pennsylvania of Thr bidder. when awarded the contract. shall ml sli A with suitable, reasunnhle KUnTAMPoring of the tract neivery to he madel wIth sufficient surety in mancint Dr 10 per contain of 111e of t116 contract. A11 must br upon 111 form furnished by the '1' he! the stett to reject and or al! prongsalt.

WIt. DIAM COCOSTON Secretary nt Board WISHING WELL. Registered U. S. Patent Office.

AR 0 3 3 03 A A ONE HELLO LA A pie little HaLLO will KOTO Jpu It 13 numerical puzzle to spel your fortune IntErEB in rour dr st ca Die. it the nun her of Jettera la 6 or 4. 11 the 410m la than 8. ndd 3. The resnit number.

Start aL the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle every one af Tour keg numbers left to right Thee read the LAp lettera under the checked AzUcue give ron DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 5. Greck letter 34. Wnll 1. Seize 6. Siamese St.

4. Harvests coin cam. 9, Itnilan coins 7. Woodland nod. 10.

Capital: way 12. So. Amer. heart: river: river colloq, Va, AMA Canada 8. A sweet- 25.

Border 030E ATTAR 13. Sulphido 9. Shortage 26. Hawal. even mixtures 11.

Jellied fan 14, Not orate meats, e.g. bird 0539 18. Informed: 15. Hard-shell 29. Set Yesterday's Answer slang reptilo In from 17, Important 19.

Girl's nanie mArgin 30. Liberty 18. Rusalan 20. Decorativo 32. Passage.

river 38. Wooden 21. Music note 22, Boats 33. Hand plus 22. Fragrant 23.

Rough hand 40. Flab egga 24. Baschall, fuder's fight 41 Tibetan for Flelds pho 1nitlals 34.1 Lily genus antelope 27. 28. 5 and sinker' 30." case" 31, Dispatch 32.

Wino cup 35. 9 8 Lord 37, Frontiers- 14 TAn Boone 20 39, Come Into vlow 72 23 42. Capital: Norway 25 28 43. Ship's social cabin 29 44. Mirth 45.

Golf-shoe Jo 33 aplka 46. Look 35 30 38 DOWN 1. Wall recess 3g 40 2. Deck out 3. Hivo 43 44 dwellers 4.

Actor: 045 Cosar A Oryptogram Quotation DMPXJ DPUBSKPH ZXLP JZ KZWMIPKI -PI. PMKWU Yosterdny's Cryptoquote: PEOPLE ENJOY THE INFER. JORITY OR NESTOR, BEST FRIENDS Funeral Notices HELLER, Floyd (Ducky) of Stroudsburg RD 4, May 7, aged 58 years. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral services Thursday, May 10 at 2 p.m. from the Daniel G.

Warner Funeral Home. Interment in the Stroudsburg Cemetery. Viewing Wednesday after 7 p.m. DANIEL G. WARNER HOKE, Maggie H.

of East Stroudsburg, May 6, 1962. Aged 69 years. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to allend funeral services Wednesday, May 9 at 2 p.m. from the Lanterman Funeral Home. Interment in the Prospect Cemetery.

LANTERMAN Cemeteries, Monuments, 3. CESOTERY MESURIAL3 Lettering. Aleasinx to cetuctery. Broaze placque, marble gran. ite STRUUDSDURG GRANITA Co.

Main al Deeher. ERA 1-3501. INVESTIGATE Monrns County's only tully dowed core cemetery. Modern Braohful Convenlent LAURELWOOD CEMETERY Stroudshure. Ponnayivania Florists EVANS THE for Artistry In Flowers ella ILA 1-3880-1180 Chippertical Dr.

2 blks from 01.h St. Dabry Queen Lost and Found 7 Purse, between 'Traders Anatomink. Valunble delver's license Am $2. 553 N. 5th: 81.

LOST Hound, ex1rA large female has spared. White neit aterl brown combina1 Source County 165. 10 "Gl gl." Last seen L'. S. Anyone knowing warren doL or return of reward wIl! ho given.

Strickland, Sit. Uncono TE 9.71.51. Put an ad In for dollar -saur plintie Junta JOI hack to bappiness! Special Notices 8 ANYONE L13 with Gilbert history And at the emu Murmanvat. I'lease write The Dally Hos 41 Your and tehrphone No Tall Charges On Your Want Ad Calls! Residents or Bushkll. Cresco and Mount Pocono can now call The Dally Class Ard Dent.

without churce. Call HA 1-7349 To Place No Toll Charge! Your Want Ad Schools Instruction 10 ACCORDION lessons. Accordian tree while learning Ivor Peterson, 11A 1-1082, ID R. D. HEAVY EQUIPMENT Men! Earn top pay! Jicht lug will Now how.

Semi rose number 10 'I'mining 1:20 191y 1.5 me Center. Philadelphia 51. 1'A. POSITIVE LIPA SAVERS when you need quick cash Classified A119. "For Sale" 3.

sell 1 ELaL ERA 1-13D. Convalescent Homes BRIGUT. cheerful. All tloot. plea competent.

skilled rare for thigse vou love. Cheers Valley Nursing tome WY 2. 40:1 Schg It1 Profossional Services 12 CINCOTTA INSURANCE AUCY. Real Estate de Insurance YA HOSPITAL Surgicut Taser. A 1'1 In ugH: 60, 00: 100, Goehal HA 1 LENAR'S DRUG STORE for all room and PANSCRIPTIONS 630 Stain Stir LIA 1-6380 WAX BE A TENANT? excellent AL COLT terms in the Classiled ads.

Restaurants Taverns 13 OUR scrumptious seafood nerx ALL the talk of the town Lobster Tally $9.50, double-siza pair crab trench fries; creamed $1.10, claws, scallops, 21 ahrimp $1.00. oysters Happy Elans Tavern, 101 Park Arc IA 1-0132. RESTAURATEUR Advertise Your MENU EVERY DAY In The Daily Record Classified Section Only per day Special Continuity CALL HA 1-7349 Market Basket 14 PANSY And At Pinks. Flower A veg. plants.

all kinda. P'rolace, Bartonaville. What's On In The l'oconos Night-Spols, Directions fo Resorts, Shoppes, Dining, Sporting amil Spots for Calkirent In The Poconos NIGHT LIFE PENN-SPROUD TAVERN. (rEAD, Accord, 500 Main. HA RESORTS LISTING I ET Footan ba ohtalned by calling The Dally Recard Cinsided Dept, 111 1-7810, DINING CHARCOAL 11 EA ATE G.oliater Dancing Fel.

A m. monto 611. nA L-4110. MARIO'4 Cheeinus In Inn, Anral Malian and American Food, serine to midnicht. Cater in 100 115, 10 ml.

Feat el 1-4000. TANNERSVILLE INN 21 (Number Spot in Now platdingers. No needed. Cateeing to 154 e1s Partica, Special for Today: CahRnll German Style. 15c.

On Monte 611. T'hone 0.A PA. PUTATUES 50 $1.25. Hay's Produce, IDE Bartonevilla. BLUE SPRUCE 3 old 25c op.

POTATOES 00. LB. Gerlach Farmers Market Rt. 011. Switwater, Pa.

Business Equipment 15 NATIONAL Cash Register, act up for serrice stations. (can converted). 9 totale, separate totals 00 each drawers key machine. to $9000.00. Like new condition.

1-3300. Hotel Rest. Equip. 16 service Aupplies equipment consoltants Complete commercial chen hotels, restaur. ants, camps, motela.

STROUDSBURG GLASS CUMPANY. Inc. 637 Scott St. 9tha HA 1-6252. LARGE stainless steel ator.

4 burner coffee maker, miscellaneous dishes, Call before WY 2.4271. PURCHASE DIRECT London Restauraul Foul praeDt Supply Co. cano facturera de designers of new reballt tel, Diner. Beataurant Bar Equipment. also glassware.

china. all sunpiles. Technical completa Installations RA 1-5001. Route 011. Tannerarille, Pa Market Basket Wanted To Buy 17 (GUNSI of all kinds.

bougbt for cash JACK JEWELL'8 SERVICE STATION. EAST RANGOR. PA. JU 1-8072. 1-TON window alr condi.

toner. In good working condi(ion and inust be reasonably priced. Call HA 1-3000 days or 11A 1-1123 evenings. Ask for Mrs. Franti, RATTLESNAKES and Copperl'arono Neptlic Farm.

It. 20, 5. Sizondsburg. RENT IT through For float ffouse, apartment, rOOmIE anything. Dial 7319 for An edArthur Nonfer.

SMALL. chicken linuse anuat he reasonable, 8001 conlition. Write Tasz. Ertort. I'm.

TOP pricea pald for Indian rents, early Liarnip centr. Write 0. linx 305. Stroud MERCHANDISE Antiques, Collector Items 19 CUTTER-TYPE drAwn 3 upholatering. Parring.

orie. Incl. Fino rondition. Call Jin Thorne 717- FURNITURE RESTORED ANTIQUE AND MODERN IT A 1-2017 res with New silver lea sets, 1'r. glass hirase PeR lo ranch Portland Auction Gallery Tw 7-6123.

Appliancos 20 ELEC, Prices: Hotpoint Speed New Queen Andra Service 422 Main BA 1-4910 NEWBERRY Four Authorized Hoover frater. SIL for. F. demonstration or call for a bome demonstration. any.

11m0 nt your convenlence. pecial until May 12, Ifoover Clenorr Reg. $79.07. Our low prion SAT. J.

J. New. livery Stag. Rail Hot Giveaways! Westinghouse rumat $37.00 Combination oil CAs range $33.00 Fall size loser range 309.03 Now Deluxe A.R.C. wARlic: $79.03 Now 4 stainless conster tops "Dutch" lianes Your SuNgAg Lenler Lannursellle.

T'n. 30 IN. slove. Kood dillon, $25, HA 1-8093, Decorating Supplies 21 WAY har carpet champoner? We'll lon1 la un0 tree with purchase of Lustre F. cleaner.

l'ocano Home Furnishings 22 drop aldo crib, 49.00. 11A 1-0017. CURTAINS. deanor reuctian blinds, carnets carpet under pads this MAY be classifiention for tast resulta at lOT DOUBLE maple bed complete, color closet, very good tine, 11A. 1-4037 atter 5:30.

FOR aniol Storkline crib excellent condition. $25.00. 1'h. 11A 1-5435. NEW Lamp Shop.

Rt. 611, Tannersrille, Opening SoonI Watch For It! Auction Sales 39 Auction Sale of Seven Room House App. 15 Acres on the premises 14 ml either horouch tenter field Drive at tho Beacor House continue to the old Mt. block, Zion Church then turn left one then right to the property. Saturday, May 12, 1962 I1 A.M.

Stucco frame dwelling talning rot modern bath. lented 051 hot air heat. Water from A moontain apring by elec. pulup. Hardwood floors fireplare ou tho first Mouse locatel a 011 15 of land alivaled In Strand Monroe l'A.

This Is An 1801 nroneris has multiple rossthilities for Vermis $1.000.00 on 4.43 of bal 341 das D. KATZ SONS. INC.I arners WAYne l'osien Anet. Amris. Note: This property In the perfect anawer to 1 frequent guest inn, whor* PAN bur A property A town with ferr Mid allow you this oly Inspection betore the male contort Wayne R.

Posten Auct. I'lione StiR. HA PUBLIC SALE OF Household Goods, Antiques, Tools SATURDAY, MAY 121h 12:30 (Rain Date will be Thursday Evening at 7 P.M. May 17th At Snytorshurg, take road to Cherry Valley along the Mountaln Road '3 mites In. Signs will be pasted.

Garden tractor with mickir bar A snow plow, power lawn Pr, air with motor. AST. Mack amith EnTer. lard 115051. garden phanbing nutrit.

grinder, CaPO scheller, platform scale, holts, COR! bralnk chick bromes, park glute, tarb vise. plot whovels. Gandaswa, STAD Iron, 100SEROLD (trueral 12h4 trie rofeisetator. washing sewing machines, 0x12 arminate: china closet. dining room talla with 6 chaira, ricon lANe.

herds with aprings. old chalta. drravera, sands, stadia couch. window red hAssock, dishra, helenn. ANTIQUES Edison lamps.

1 Wooden tolter churn, butter howla, beautiful preared de cut glans, carnival 2 plank bottom chales. Touchte. lamps, 100'1 otber Leins too to mettlou. MN. EDWARD KRESIE.

Terras cash. HOWARD ROBERTSON Auctioneer JUST ARRIVED THIRTY- -THIRTY Factory Reconditioned Electric Refrigerators ReAnished, like now Factory tested where guaranted, new parts needed Also Thirty---Thirty--Thirty APARTMENT SIZE GAS RANGES BOTTLED OR CITY GAS Robert Shaw Ileat Controls Ideal for summer or year round Basem*nt Dept. STAR FURNITURE 721 N. Courtland Stig. IA 1-3051 Venetian Bilnds Repairs Dtex Shook Floor Covering 854 N.

St HA 1-0130 Household Goods 23 CEDAR chest, lite new, Magic Chef 6 rAnge, failie size, son. top Ballque cofoe talle. $85. Refrigerators -several sizes, to $15. J.

5.2139. DISHES. slivers nots An pane. bedspread. AnI other useful Liema tor the born ate Suld through tow CDS1 ander thin column LARGE: notstuffol chair.

light. greeN, $.. 1'y dishes 50c Tic. 21,1 Sporting Goods 25 HE BERMUDA malntenance. $210 vinyl dowu.

pools Paul No 1. Edinger. HA 1-4730 or MA 1-SCA13 POCONO ARMY NAVY SPORTING GOODS STORE Fishing. Baseball. Dowlluz.

Tennis. Blunting. Camping. Archers Heula Equipmect DIVERS ALT ATATION Colna Supplies Western Alipa rel "Keep Fit wHh Sport New Terms. 511 Sinin Sthr HA 1-4751.

Radio, TV, Stereo, HiFi PORTABLE Tane Recorders! VM Mounurel tape $19.95 W'ehcor 2.4 track stereo tonnaural 5200 03. See the new base TY antenna Needs c.n volte wirrs. 8PTY Iving. KNIPES, 18 N. Gth St.

111 1-520 SETCHEL, CARLSON Unit. lard Chassis fluward IS Trelle. TV. 115 Jane Sthg 11A 1-1950 Musical Instruments 27 EXCELLENT sol planos. Arthur piano tuner.

Chipperfleld Drive. IA 1-3917. IX I Chord etenn with uals. 13. pedals.

1:501 5. tc. 3. Grand Plano. SLEEP'S PIANO ORGAN 243 Washington LA 1-4770 Wearing Apparel 28 MIDGET MINTED! Come the gowns for all roue party needs All sizes, luck aub short lengths.

Lon Acing Thrift Store. 200 Washington St. HA 1-0700. FLOOR lengtb gown, pluk, 15. Ballerina leugth.

white, $10. each. MA 1-1920 Ladles' tenals Solid colors. candly stripes, Seymour Show. F.

SUIX SWEDISH weave luck far 6 colors. Makes beautiful household and aprous to sire OF ret. kilmmer all kinda. Also nit remnant sale. Trimy Not lung kalore.

Yard Shop, 300 N. Sth. Stug. MA 1-5200. Misc.

Merchandise 29 BABY carriage baalnette. Good condition. $147. IVY 1438. supplica fUr tessiunal or sehoul use.

Com. pleto line of office supples And equipmeat. Plauned Ottico Layouts Without Charve Easy Terra STEINHAUER STATIONERY For All Your Office Needs Maln 1.4430 Auction Sales 39 SHORT NOTICE EVENING AUCTION SALE of Nearly New Furniture At Iis Former Residence 1651 Hillside Drive oft N. 3th 5.. Monday Evening May 14, 1962-7 P.M.

2. pc. overstutted living in suite (used 3 worked. di-plore walont bedroom sulle. boil with bookcase head hoard, hax Appringa Innerspring Electrolux with solmenta, Cold rif dinette sol, pr, titonde oak tablea.

pr. tamps. cotchair. chill's Ins sot, sand hos. wice fonve ruelose a lawn, dinner sel.

cooking utensils, small Boss as group of interestpennira. half a dollars, old Flying Eagle otr. Terms: ROBERT SWINK. owner. Fosten Auction R.

de Maude Pasten, AndIx. EVENING AUCTION SALE of Furniture. Antiques, Elec. Appliances. Tool A David Bradley Garden Tracto: At Frank Over's Farm M2- chinery Store on Route 200 between Shroudsburg Snyderaille.

TUESDAY EVENING MAY 8. 1962 AT 7 P.M. SHARP snite. chair. dining Fanca fat nine rostaurant chairs, 8 dressers.

to-14 complete aincles, doubles nize. 30 wooden lawn power lawn 111 ml mower. 3 wicker chairs. phon. graphic A lot dark Tonm equipment.

Silserione portable tape recorder A slalom water Burschet trumpet. folline rate, 3 mirrors. 1.4111 jux, In tons, Ferord restaurant 1ray sland4, bookcase, trunks. mash brass lamp with Tiffany tor ot ted girls bike. antoinatic ele.

Pr. new. plec. TARRe. elec.

piece Isle walnut bedroom salte, modern CART hich boy. 8 good AT large small double restaurant booths. 12 croma leather LAUTANE chairs, Sixiestic TV Art. Windsor chair. douldle metal utility cabinet.

piece tiring room dishes cooking utenalia, mirrors, elec. record plaser ilke new hundreds of smaller Items. Terms cash. FRANK DYER. DWARF 1'ston .4 WAYNE MAUDE FOSTEN, Aucta Misc.

Merchandise 291 East Stroudsuurg Hardware Co. Hard Houseware war 1-3810 FOUR, gal. ess copper boiler. PI. HA 1-8193.

FEUDERS air conditioner, room sink. cherry chest, Roper gas range. EA 1-6280. SHALLOW well de. 140 BasE Accordion.

Call after 4. ILA 1-3100. SPRING PRICE BUSTIN' SALE! Lawn Rake Pruning Shears Calking 3 for 69c Bonus! 75 ft. Garden Hose 2.88 Chrome Hand Garden Tools ea. 39g 12 Pc.

Socket Set R. W. ALTEMOSE SON Brodheadsville WY 2.4207 Bldg. Supplies, Paints 30 Al! of Masoney Soppites. Bork Lath, Plaster.

White Sand Cement. Brick Cut Stones. etc. A. W.

ZACHARIAS 155 Chestoot Strobdsburg STAG LUMBER Washington St. East Stbg Phone FIA 1-7912 800 clear or colored plastic. all altes Manror Plastica. 11101 St 'refinished Inuan ply wood cling 18c. knotty nine 15c war f.

ocher 8.3 1.5511 4-Square KIn Deled f.arter ranting 2 produrty. Any paints. 1: (. Cramer lumber East Strooshurz. H.

l'artland. Wind WHEELING corrugaird nine 8 Inch 80 8 teet from Die nor toot 10 VAN 19 YETTER Route 472. halls Crook FIA 12811 WOODEN porch railing. Over 70 steps anal LA Dosia. approx.

7 m. at. Call USED BUILDING MATERIAL Lumber Deinolltinn Co. Itt 40. Belvidere.

1 1132 Firewood For Sale 31 VIRALACE. Curnace And stove wond Walker Co. RD 5 BA 1.21818 alter 6 p.m. Lawn, Garden Supplies 33 ON GARDEN BIG VOLLE 4-Tine Cultivator Reg. Now 1.90 Long- laodled Cuility Shovel leg.

Now 1.48 Spzlog Steel Leaf Rake Arg. 1.00. Now only 6dc Sturdy Garden H1x Reg. Now 2.19 Hollow Mack Garden Spade Reg. 2.65.

Sow 1.90 Rotor Bargains oli l'lated land Garden Tools, 15 litrie A8 30e each. True- Temper Hedge Sucars Now It ex. 1.05. 1.99 IL A DERS "The Store That Has Everything!" 255 Wash, S. 11A 1-3133 cOW manure.

ton or truckload. Delbert Ste Bethel. TW 1-6644 FOR SALE: Burpee's bulk Gar. den seeds l'eas. Brans.

Corn, Fertilizers. Llwold, Lawn Seed. Garden Land 1.8wn Sowers. Wallace Hardware 431 Stain St. GET greenest lawns with blush organic lawn 10-8-4.

50 1195 $2 100 1108 $1 50. Spring Bale 00 Candeld's GL.F 315 Main ERA 1-1821 LAWN ROLLER $7.50 11A RAY HARTMANS SUNS HOSEELITE SeCULLUCH Ridlug Mowera, Chain SAW I Plows, Traciora: spd Enuinment frt 402. Minlsink Rills. 11A 1-332G Farm Equipment 35 CUB Tractor with or without all the attachments. Apply 16wilt water) Farmer's starkel, It.

G1L. ONE bottom 14" nlow. 3 bottom 14" 101 mow. froth (1) spring Juar. :1) Snore bale 311.

Brodheadsville. WY 1013 the 190 wheel horse Lars and attachmeuts Frank 8 Oger 1tt 1. 0. Athe HA garden tractor. Tires, pines, and all so.

K. N. MA Pets Pet Supplies 38 ALI. BREKUS Spare A Individual care Suxurhrook hennels, 1.1 ISOARD YOUR DOG WITH MARSHALLS CREAK KENNELS Clipping. halbing by appointmear HA 1-124 0 don't make a move before you phone us Emergency Oil Burner Service HAmilton 1-6581 H.

L. Cleveland Inc. 15 Crystal E. Stbg. Can we help design your new color brochure? HAmilton 1-3250 Sun Litho- Inc.

62 N. Courtland E. Stbg. Delivery to your home in minutes HAmilton 1-6380 LeBar's Drug Store Hexall Products Main St. Stha.

Foreign Import Car Service "For That lead HAmitron 1-4140 Baylor Motors SAAR Volvo Borkward Sales Service N. 9th St. Stroudsbure I Hotel Restaurant Supples Quick Service Delivery HAmilton 1-6262 Stroudsburg Glass Co. 89T Scott S1bg, 03 1 Count the more. auhkey and chech message the best in banking serviceHAmilton 1-4224 is right at your fingertips! Monroe Security Bank Trust Co.

Dial The Wyckoff Shopper Personal Servico HAmilton 1-1400 Wyckoff-Sears Dept. Store Ford Guaranteed Workmanship HAmilton 1-2560 HAYNES MOTORS Serving the 'Poconos For Over 20 Fears.

The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.