The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2025)

Boston Evening Globe Tuesday, October 1978 43'! NTES ua BUSINESS HEL BUSINESS HELP BUSINESS HELP BUSINESS HELP BUSINESS HELP Call this number Kelly wants to help. 742-7300 or 876-6400 LIBERTY MUTUAL Has positions for: Typists Figure work Typists with aptitude for figures. Attractive employee benefits, cafeteria, public transportation and shopping nearby. Apply Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA. An equal opportunity employer, MF CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE We are looking for an individual to process orders in billing and prepare orders from dictaphone.

You will also be in contact with our customer accounts to re i is having an A VOPEN HOUSEy I WEDNESDAtX CWCKIIKIC WHERE'S THE WORK? Not sure were the work is? Or how to find a job? Well, money and job is what MANPOWER is all about. MANPOWER has all kinds ol work available. There are office Jobs. Jobs for you. How do you get them? Just stop by our office at 30 Boylston Cambridge and apply.

We offer a variety of short term assignments. Work when you want whenever you can use the extra money. You choose the schedule and get paid each week you work. Sound good? Then stop in today. Our address is 30 Boylston Cambridge (in Harvard We need Secretaries and Typists.

MANPOWER Temporary Services 30 Boylston Cambridge 491-4357 MANPOWER nn TEMPORARY SERVICES tl Where The Work Is! A call to Kelly Services could be the best call you can make. As a Kelly employee, your work schedule is flexible. You work as much and as often as you like. We have over 100 different classifications of jobs. We take care in evaluating what kind of work Is right for you.

So we get the right people in the right jobs. Our customers are happy. And you're happy. Whether your last job ended 15 years ago or just yesterday, call Kelly Services Another way to help people. solve problems.

Some experience in the Customer Service areas would be helpful. For an interview appointment, please call our Personnel Department at 275-1300. LIBERTY MUTUAL The "KellyGirl" People Kid LIBERTY' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON SERVICES (I 'fu-nvutm 7 Candies I You are invited to attend i fHl I Thara ks Cm nlnwmanl Dan. I II 3 Park St. Boston 1430 Mass.

Cambridge An equal opportunity employe Not agency Never lee 4 Preston Court VI I ici win uc L.I i ijjiwi i id 1 1 nof- i tf resentatives available to discuss I job opportunities with you at that 1 time. 1 Bedford, MA 01730 An Equal Opportunity Employer PERMANENT TEMPORARY (SOME NO. SH. NO EXP.) LEGAL SECYS. TYPISTS-ENTRY WORD PROCESS CALL THE EXPERTS 227-3500 Boston's leading legal secretarial placement agency, known and respected throughout New England.

Kin cccc Come, hear what we fsw have to offer Svffe'iitife MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITALN rniO Employment Qffics Moseley Building I l.l rN Boston. MA 02114 Utl-llllU Z8' CLERKS NON-PROFIT SEC. $150... Fee Paid A nonprofit women's organization is currently seeking a poised secretary to join their counseling staff. Will deal with women's case work as well as various clerical duties.

Good secretarial duties desired. For immediate attention on this and other opportunities contact Mr. Steven Gardner 266-8300. For suburbs call FREE TRAINING MAG CARD II SECRETARIES TYPISTS There is a big future in the job market for those who recognize the increasing reliance by all businesses on word processing systems. Many of the major companies who use our services have a continuing need for Mag Card operators and admittedly, experienced people are hard to find.

So we've established a training program for those who wish to return to work or are currently working on a temporary basis and are willing to learn this "in demand" skill. You will earn while you learn and work when you wish, where you prefer. Sound good? Let's talk about it in person. Register today. MATURE 47 Winter Street, Boston 482-7628 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AAA 1 manufacturer of early American furniture located near Faneuil Hall Marketplace has immediate opening for secretary with excellent typing shorthand ability.

Work closely with 3 top executives in attractive corporate surroundings. Telephone Mr. Christmas 723-2330 ALBERT M. LOCK SON INC. 90 Canal St.

Boston, Mass. Immediate openings CLERKS Day and Evenings Work the day and nite shifts you want. Great jobs with fine companies lasting a few weeks to a few months at a time. Benefits too. Paid luncheons, paid vacations and paid holidays.

Apply as soon as possible. TEMPORARIES INC. 131 Trernont St. Bos. 482-1177 (Telephone Co.

Bldg. 5th fl) (Across from Park St. subway) ADMIN. SECY. PUBLISHING $183-5229 Corporate HQ of noted publishing firm has opening due to promotion.

Good image needed excellent secy, skills to report to V.P Director ot Personnel and E.E.O. Coordinator. Self-starter who appreciates challenge can go very far here. Full benefits including tuition. Call at once, 523-2020.

Fee pd. employment specialists. EMERSON SEARS CRESCENT BLDG. GOVT. CTR BOSTON COLLECTORS Are you tired of long hours ana low pay we are a national co.

looking tor experienced finance. cank. retail and agency collectors. We offer top pay, hours and opportunity for advancement. For confidential interview, contact Mr.

Silvers at 367-2715. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE IMMEDIATE opening, challenging position, experience necessary. Must be well organized and able to keep accurate records. Enjoyable work atmosphere, excellent benefits. Call 542-8145.

ext. 235. NORTHEASTERN WALLPAPER 292 Summer Boston. INVENTORY CLERK Experience necessaiy, accounts payable and data processing experience a plus, excellent frinae benefits, salary commensurate with experience, convenient Charlestown location. Call Karen Pearson at 242-5300 for appointment.

TYPIST Needham. We nave several openings in our order processing department for people who can type well and handle general office work. This is a full time job which offers security and excetient benefits. For appointment please call Mr. Bert an, 449-4432.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Immediate opening for bright person with basic office studs for interesting work in modern office. Vicinity South Boston and Newmarket area. Private parking, many benefits. Opportunity for advancement. Call Mrs-Weiner.

445-650. BOOKKEEPING KGR. Outstanding full time position for highly competent, personable bookkeeping mgr. for medical group. Exp.

with posting machine. B.S.. Medicade and insurance forms helpful. Mon -Fri 9 to 5 30. Excel salary and fringe benefits.

846-4073. SECRETARY Duties inciuae typing, filing, answering phones General office duties. Loc. on Boston Waterfront Call 227-0693. CLERK TYPIST 20 hrs.wk.

11 30 a m. Some flexibility. Gd skills. Newton Presbyterian Church. 332-9255.

I Tip I INC CLAIMS CLERKS Claims experience helpful but not necessary. Filing ma-or part ot the job. Typing also required. (MINIMUM 45-50) CLERK TYPISTS Permanent positions available, good typing required. (MINIMUM 45-50), must be accurate.

Call Ms. Barbara James, 227-7890. THE ST. PAUL FIRE MARINE INSURANCE 50 Staniford Boston. An equal opportunity employer PERSONNEL SEC.

$185... Fee Paid (deal position for the individual tookina to break into per sonnel. Must be self starter with the ability to handle project from start to finish as well as various clerical functions. Good secretarial skills desired. For Immediate at tention on this and other opportunities contact Mr.

Ste ven Gardner 266-8300. For suburbs call 273-0240. TYPIST Fast Accurate Min. 75 WPM TOP PAY FLEXIRLE HOURS FLEXIBLE DAYS Call 261-1100 AMERICAN USED COMPUTER 712 Beacon St. Kenmore Sq.

An equal opportunity em- ployer 8 CLERKS 3-4 MOS. Don't miss out on this great chance to start the Fall off right earn Christmas at the same time! Our client needs your clerical skills for 3 to 4 could be longer; other openings also. Call us or come inT ADIA TASK FORCE TEMPORARY PERSONNEL, 333 Washington Rm. 204, Boston, 426-5750. TOPS IN TEMPS PERSONNEL REP We need a articulate, bright and organized person who enjoys heavy telephone work.

If you can work at a fast pace and want the opportunity for advancement, please call for an appointment. TOPS, TEMPORARY OFFICE PERSONNEL SERVICES. 755 BOYLSON BOSTON 536-2720 Equal Opportunity Employer MF BIRD LOVERS 5 clerks Immediate assignments for bright, energetic people with good clerical skills. UNIFORCE TEMPORARIES 480 Boylston Boston 262-2122 LITIGATION SECRETARY Downtown law firm in Federal Reserve Bank building seeks experienced litigation secretary. All fringes and competitive salary structure.

K. Hansen, 973-9700 ext. 276. WORD PROCESSORS Expanding large taw firm seeks 2 computext operators, day or night shift. Excellent salaries based on experience.

J. Hemker, 973-9700, ext. 258. FULL TIME SECRETARY Experienced, mature person for Orthopedic Surgeon's office in Brookline. No prior medical exp.

necessary. For interview call 277-4045. On CLERK-TYPIST Enoineerino firm needs 2 people with good office skiiis. txp. not req.

txcei. benefits. Salary per wk. New office that just locatea in downtown Boston. Call for appt.

at 227-3600. SECRETARY For small Chestnut Hilt office of nonprofit oraanization Varied duties including protect work, shorthand or speedwriting required. Car helpful. Call Barbara 739- 9090. LEGAL SECRETARY Waltham.

Rte. 128 law firm has interesting responsible position. We offer above average salary benefits. If vour typmq, shorthand of fice skills are please can Bw-usuu ror appi. LEGAL SECRETARY Neponset Circle area, full time, excel, typing and shorthand skills essential.

Exp. pf d. Resume to: O. Box eonassei, ma uzuzd. ALL FEES CO.

PAID OUR 20TH YEAR PERSONNEL ASST $175 Maintain records, interview aplcnts, type reports. INTERNAL AUDITOR $23K Travel the world, have operational auditing exp FRONT OFFICE $175 Beautiful offices, -excel firm, interesting diverse duties SYSTEMS ANALYST $1BK, Not EDP or computer job, analyze clerical systems CREDIT CLERK $145-155 Able to communicate, type letters, handle follow-up SECY. NO STENO Work with congenial group in top co, great benefits FILE Coordinate filingmicrofilming oprtns. top firm SECYTYPIST $195 No steno, chance to work for one of Boston's best co SECY. MARKETING $185 No steno, commnctns dept PAYROLL SPVSR Handle payroll of 500 JCL TECHNICIAN to $260 Computer operations dept TAPE LIBRARIAN to $180 Can work on own, top co SECURITY GUARD $160 Major electronics firm LEGAL SECY to Top firm, corp, legal exp SALES SECY $180-200 Lots of customer contact EXEC SECY $220 Cambridge, reaily nice co FINANCIAL SECY $200 For very pleasant boss DATA ENTRY Top co with bonus program FIGURE Several, typing figures SECY, AD AGENCY $185 Reaily nice job.

downtown PRINTING TRAINEE $140 School print course OK KEYPUNCH OPTR Co will teach computer OFFICE CLERICALS $130-150 Bost, Brklne, Camb, Newton -7-. 18 Trernont Gov't. Center Suite 608, 367-8200 SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER To handle payables and receivables up to trial balance. Some experience in collections desirable. Salary commensurate with experience.

Woburn area 935-7770. ADMIN. SECY. TRAVEL 12K Do you want a career, not just a job? Then let us introduce you to tho dynamic Matketing Director of this Boston based million dollar conglomerate. You wtl travel to set up conventions and attend meetings in Washington.

Plan meetings and do research for reports anc speeches. It you have some college, business experience, and secretarial skills call 523-2020 at once. Fee pd employment specialists EMERSON SEARS CRESCENT BLDG. GOVT. BOSTON ADMIN.

ASSIST.SECY. Career opportunity with young firm. Must be able to accept responsibility and interact with clients. An aptitude for financial planning is oestrable. Our style -is easy going, yet forthright.

Send resume to Cambridge Finan cial Planning Group, 739 Boylston Boston 02116. LEGAL SECRETARY POSITION available in mod ern down town rm wit friendly atmosphere. Litiga tion and real estate experience preferred, shorthand. i iu wpm. typing ru wpm.

salary commensurate with experience. Excellent bene fits. Gail J. J. HOW ELLS, 357-4400.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Small financial management firm is seeking bright energetic person for a permanent position. Some exp. and Suality typing are required, ompetitive salary and benefits. Call Mr. Liles or Mr.

Burnes at 482-9370. INTERESTED IN FOOD? Experienced cierk typist to work with our sales people for WeMesley food broker. Duties include gd. typing, much customer phone contact, processing orders, record keeping, various office functions. Must be detail onented and work with little supervision.

Call 237-4792. CREDIT CLERK wanted for credit desk tc handle light typing, filing, credit applications and contracts, bank deposits, customer payments and misc other duties. 5 day wk. Excei fringe benefits. Salary arranged.

Needham area Calt Mr. Roberts, at 449-19O0. SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST Wanted tor small pleasant office Cambridge. College degree desirable. Must enjoy workino with people.

Ca'l Janf: at 664-1034 GENERAL OFFICE HELP Some inventf-r control inside sales wwv Excel ben' Apply INTERSTATE FAS TENERS, 426 3921 INVESTMENT FRIDAY $200 Fee Paid A well known investment house is currently looking for an assistant to work with three brokers. Will keep track of client accounts and have heavy customer contact. Must be able to work In a team environment. Good secretarial skills desired. For immediate attention on this and other opportunities contact Mr.

Steven Gardner 266-8300. For suburbs call 273-0240. LEGAL SEC. $250 Fee Paid Will report to a "charming" attorney and assist him in various office duties. Good secretariat skills desired.

This company offers excellent benefits and a plush environment. For immediate attention on this and other opportunities contact Mr. Steven Gardner 266-8300. For suburbs call 273- 0240. JOBS NOW! TYPISTS Start the Fall with a oreat Temporary Job! We nave; openings 10 ru your neea, your schedule for a day, week or longer; too rates.

top clients; come in and meet us! ADIA TASK FORCE Temporary Personnel 333 Washington St. Rm. 204 Boston 426-5750 TOPS IN TEMPS TYPIST Travel Agency Right now. we have a 3 month position avail, at an exclusive travel agency. View of the waterfront.

Responsi- DiiiTies inci. greeting clients, answering phones corre spondence. Exc. typing skills a must. Please call and come in today, TOPS, TEMPORARY OFFICE PERSONNEL SEHVICJES 755 BOYLSTON BOSTON 536-2720 1430 MASS.

CAMB. 354-5202 An equal opportunity employer PERSONNEL RECEPTIONIST We have an immediate opening for a front desk Recep- iionisi in our Boston onice, Must enjoy people contact, handling phones and a busy of nee. run from aesK aunes, typing min. 50 WPM req'd. Opportunity for advancement.


ALSO TYPISTS, TELLERS, CLERKS, SECRETARIES. DICTAPHONE TYPISTS, BOOKKEEPERS, FILE CLERKS AND KEYPUNCH DATA ENRTY. ALL FEES PAID. COME IN OR CALL HANK GREENE, 261-3600 FORD FORD 581 Boylston Street Copley Boston, 5th Floor Employment Specialists TELEPHONE COLLECTOR Boston based firm is in need of an experienced organized person to handle a section of delinquent accounts. We offer base pay, commission and excellent benefits.

Call 426-9810 for appt. OLD COLONY PETROLEUM Needs managers, assistant managers, cashiers, for the Framingham, Natick and Westboro area. Good pay, benefits, paid vacation. An equal opportunity employer. Call for an 873-9047.

TRAVEL AGENCY EXPANSION Need domestic or Int'l agents. Must have 1 yr's exp. in airline or travel agency. Call H. Chumbley.

HERITAGE TRAVEL. Kendall 491-O050. BOOKKEEPER Downtown Real Estate firm. seeks bookkeeper with 1 year exp. for general bookkeeping duties.

Please send letter of resume to: 178. Globe office. SECRETARY Major brokerage firm needs secretary for bond sales. tight typing, enjoy working with numbers, exc. benefits.

3ov. utr. loc (Jail Mr. Par-tndge. 723-7878.

ASST. BOOKKEEPER Poised and professional attitude. Some exp. In filing and handling phone orders Boston. Please FLORENCE WATSON.

536-2100. TYPIST RECEPTIONIST Full time or part time, dictaphone experience helpful, convenient Boston waterfront location, friendly working environment. Call mm REAL ESTATE SEC. $225 Fee Paid Excellent position for a dynamic, assertive secretary looking for financial and professional growth. Must be able to work in a high volume, demanding environment with a pitch in attitude.

Good secretarial skills desired. For immediate attention on this and other opportunities contact Mr. Steven Gardner 266-8300. For suburbs call 273-0240. IMMEDIATE DATA ENTRY KEYPUNCH TEMP.


357-8300 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY MARKETING This position requires an experienced, highly skilled and exceptionally well organized person to handle a wide variety of responsibilities in marketing science education materials. Primary duties include sales support activities, exhibit and workshop coordination and preparation of bids, quotes, and contracts. Convenient Cambridge location. Contact Stu Jones, 262-6500. for appointment.


TO PRES. 12K Fast growing co. brand new offices need bright articulate person to be right in middle of dynamic atmos. some shtd. benefits include 3 wks.

vac, profit sharing, Xmas bonus, 6 mos. reviewCall 262-0870 or 262-4110. R.A.D. ASSOC. 755 Boylston Boston Fee paid placement service CUSTOMER SERVICE VIA TELEPHONE We have a key position for the individual who thrives on solving problems.

Must have ability to make and implement decisions. AMERICAN USED COMPUTER 712 Beacon St. Kenmore Sq. An equal opportunity employer GENERAL CLERICAL We need a bright person to assist in our filing and mailing. Light typing preferred job maturity desired.

Opportunity to learn other office operations. Good working conditions and environment. Air conditioned. Handy to public transportation. AMERICAN USED COMPUTER 712 Beacon St.

Kenmore Sq. A equal opportunity employer BILLER TYPIST Minimum 40 wpm, must be good with figures, good starting salary, all company benefits. Calf BLUE BELL PLASTICS, 88 Charles st 492-2800. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Wanted for small growing business. Several afternoons per week, 1-5.

Close to public transportation. Call Marilyn between 9 and 1 at 227-9772. IND'L. LAB.TRNS.$130 Watertown. person with math background and h.s.

diploma to train in busy ind'l. lab. Fee paid. DANA PERSONNEL SERVICE, 1330 Beacon Bklne. 731-8890.

ACCOUNTANTS Sr. Semi-Sr. for Boston CPA firm with varied clientele and interesting work. Opportunity for rapid growth. Sal.

according to exp. 523-2320. PART TIME Person exp. in clerical work, good with figures for sales rep. office, Newton-Need-ham area on Rt.

128. Hrs. 9-2. call aft. 6, 862-8527.

6ENERAL OFFICE WORK Belmont office requires person for filing, billing, etc. Must type minimum 50 wpm, 35 hr. wk. Call Olga, 469- 1520. BECEPT.SECY.

Downtown real estate office. Use of dictaphone gd. typing req. Good benefits, salary working conds. Call 367-2525.

CLERICAL Contact lens manufacturer has openings for efficient and accurate clerks with phone and typing expert ence. Call 267-4000. TRAVEL CO. RECEPTIONIST Tvping essential. Call Mss Mokrash at 357-9700.

LEGAL SECRETARY Boston law office. 876-6480 for particulars- TECH TYPISTS Immediate openings In Cambridge for several highly skilled, professional, technical typists. Must be available to handle Greek equations and symbols. Very high rate of pay. Never a fee.

MBTA passes and health insurance available. Even if you are only available 1 full day a week, we need you now. Please call to arrange a convenient appointment? 491-0491 5 Boylston St. Harvard Sq. COIN MACHINE OPERATOR BROOKLINE TRUST CO.

New position at our Chestnut Hill Office oh the Riverside MBTA. Will also assist in our safe deposit operation. Training provided by bank. 5 day wk. p.m.

Exc. benefits paid in full by bank with good starting salary. Contact: Ms. Chin 734-1440 An Equal Opportunity Em pi oyer MF FOREIGN AFFAIRS SalesSecy to assist Manager. Prepare graphics and iayuui lur saitss orocnures.

Accompany manager to clients and make presenta tions. Salary $200. Company Tee paia personnel consultants. FANNING 480 Boylston 261-8400 ONLY have what it takes to fill our top-notch positions! Many of the top co s. around are looking for your special skills for a few days, wks.

or more at extra special rates! Call or come in today to OFFICE SPECIALISTS. 120 Trernont Bos. 357- 8300, or 18 Brattle St Camb. 354-7215. RECEPTIONISTS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO HANDLE OUT-FRONT POSITION.


SHAW ASSOC. Sth floor, 525 Boylston St. Copley Sq. NEVER A FEE Employment Specialists SALES REP We are a leading temporary help firm in need of a well organized self-starter, personable, attractive, sales oriented person to call upon companies and explain our services. Sales oriented background preferred.

Salary plus incentive plan. Exc. opportunity for the right person. For caft ADIA TASK FORCE TEMPORARY PERSONNEL, 426-5753. On Campus THREE MONTHS assisting a busy Dean good phone manner; 45-50 wpm typing, and lots of student contact.

Call or come into OFFICE SPECIALISTS, 120 Trernont 357-8300 or 18 Brattle 354-7215. ACCTS. RECEIV. CLERK South Boston apparel manufacturer seeks AR Clerk with a maximum of 2 years exper. Please call Mr.

Tes-sler, 482-4771. OFFICE ASSISTANT Part time, hrs. arranged, Watertown. Bank deposits, accts. payable, check book statements, 924-9O70 for appt.

PART TIME RECEPTIONIST p.m. Mon. through Doctor's office in Charles River Park. Some typing Call Mr. Pearson, 523-0280.

BOOKKEEPER $10,000 plus BCBS. Soc. wholesale textile firm. Boston. 9 am-5 5 day week; exp.

desired. Call: 482-4028. AUDIT CLERK Hotel experience preferred. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

FuH time position. Good benefits. Call Ann Vinson. DUNFEY HOWARD JOHNSON'S, 969-3010. PART TIME evenings 4 evenings, 5-9 plus Sat.

10-2. Pleasant speaking voice required. Call Rita at NEW ENGLAND THERMAL INSULATORS. 329-0452. FILING CLERK General office work, typing necessary.

Salary commensurate with experience. Woburn area. 935-7770. BOOKKEEPER-FULL CHARGE For growing Co. in Framing-ham; sal.

com. with exp. PART TiSSE Hotel relief auditor. 1 night per week, must be exp.t call Mrs. Spirlet.

491-3600. Pprmanent nnitinn; to Some wks. vac. All Jl merits to SAhr. Best firms, vi RATER CODERS Our Property Department and Package Department have excellent opportunities for persons with good figure aptitude.

Experience preferred but not necessary; will train. Call Miss Barbara James, 227-7890, THE ST. PAUL FIRE MARINE INSURANCE 50 Staniford Boston. An equal opportunity employer TYPISTACCT. MGR.

$250 to $300wk. base generous prod, bonus, much iT avail. Perfectionist typing under pressure protect days, nights or weekends. Req. solid 75-100 WPM exp.

tech. or scholarly typing, degree or 5 yrs. bus. and desire for intensive training. Expanding firm seeks future Branch Mgr.

Founder-President also needs one exceptional man or woman who wants to work long hours directly for him and help him build the business. Very hard work, but a pure gold, ground-floor opportunity rarely found. Call Mr. Havlick at 547-1719 today to arrange your interview. Overnight Typing Service, 127 Mt.

Auburn Har-vard Sq. MANAGEMENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION 145 Trernont St. Suite 401 Boston 426-6230 Our unique company provides services of unarmed, uniformed Security Personnel. These are not dangerous jobs, but do require keen observation and attentiveness. We are a young, rapidly growing company offering Hon on-the-job training ana management training for the right individual.

Basic requirements: 1 Ability to learn, 2) willingness to perform tasks as directed 3) overall conscientiousness. MASS. CORP. SECURITY ACCOUNTANT to 18K FEE PAID SUMMIT EXCLUSIVE. Report to controller of medium-sized Co.

with several plants. Requires generalist with several years exp. within mfg. environment. Must know, general ledger, financial statements, etc.

Some knowledge of inventory control, work in process, and cost accounting nec. Mr. Lewis. 965-3000. SUMMIT Personnel Consultants 335 Boylston Rte 9, Newton LEGAL SECY.

TRAINEE WEST NEWTON, busy lawyer in large corporate office needs bright self-starter. Some steno desired. Will train in all phases of legal procedure. Fee paid position. DANA PERSONNEL SERVICE.

1330 Beacon 731-8890. CLERK TYPIST Needed for filing and typing in downtown real estate office. Previous office experience necessary. Good office typing skills required. Apply at: TENANT SERVICES, 50 Franklin Boston, 02110.426-5266.

WANTED: SECRETARY For prestigious Boston trial law firm. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Please write for interview enclosing resume and salary requirements. Respond to P.O. Box 2751, Boston, 02109.

K.P.0PS. CLKS. TYPISTS Be busy have fun Clerks, some with stock work. Many long and short assmnts. for all.

OFFICE-POWER 175 Trernont 482-0586 Never a Fee Pav on Fri. ACCOUNT DATA COORDINATOR Do you have a sound knowledge of accounting and want to apply what you know to a position which offers a challenge? Call 267-370O ext. 512 for details. SOCIAL DIRECTOR Apartment complex in Brookline looking for creative, personable individual to coordinate activity program for residents. Part time.

Car necessary. Excellent pay. Call 731-5402 tor interview. NIGHT AUDITOR Exper. preferred but will tram.

Ideal working conds Apply 10-4. RAMADA INN 1234 Soldiers Field Bnghton. PRUDENTIAL TOWER Law firm seeking intelligent, experienced secretary, full time. Please call uenise Jones, 536-6220. Immediate temporary assignments in Waltham and surrounding suburbs for experienced file, figure and adding machine clerks.

Assignments last a few days or few months. Excellent hourly rate. Never a fee. Health insurance available. Don't delay on these.

Hurry into our convenient office or call 405 Moody Waltham 893-6370 BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT $175 Here's your oppty. to get Learn all about ARAP, trial balance; every tacet or accounting. SNELLING-SNELLING FEE PD EMPLOYMENT CONSLTS 500 Boylston COPLEY 26-2660 1 Boston PI. G.C. 623-2820 133 Federal SOUTH ST A.

482-7681 EXEC. SECRY. We need an outgoing secry. w. shthd.

or' speedwriting who enjoys running an office. This busy executive needs a self starter who is a take charge person w. exceptional organizational skills. Enjoy a mutually rewarding position working with an appreciative boss. Call 227-4130.

MS. BUSINESS WOMAN. 73 TREMONT BOSTON, PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY New subscription television system (over air pay TV) seeks bright person with excellent phone, office, dictation and typing skills. Busy office, interface with sales people etc.

Excellent salary and working conditions with paid medical. Waltham office. Apply in person, 10-12 p.m., 2-4 p.m. at our temporary location. BOSTON HERITAGE BROADCASTING, 390 Com monwealth Boston.

SECRETARY Person with excellent clerical skills to report to business manager, uuttes inciuae typing purchase orders, corre-soondence and record main tenance. Shorthand not reauired. Personnel experi ence helpful. Minimum 3 years experience, convenient Cambridge location, Contact Dino Doukas, 262-6500 for appointment. AMERICAN SCIENCE ENGINEERING, INC.

An equal opportunity employer PRESIDENT'S SECRETARY Maintain clerical business, work on your own for busy exec. Looa skims. qiyD SNELLING-SNELLING FEE PD EMPLOYMENT CONSLTS. 500 Boylston. COPLEY 262-2660 133 Federal, SOUTH STA.

482-7581 1 Boston G.C. 523-2820 Special Clerks FOR SPECIAL Lots of positions are available for receptionists, mail-clerks, and gen'l office help. Work for a month or more at conv. locations. Every Friday is payday.

Call or come into OFFICE SPECIAL IST, 120 Trernont Bos. 357-8300. PART TIME, 9 to 1, for work on Addressograph machine, no experience necessary. Will train. Apply in person.

STANDARD LINEN SERVICE, 169 Norfolk Roxbury, Ma. RECEPTIONIST, record-keeper needed at Boston Imported Cars. Duties include light typing, sales, location of parts, organizing of shop work. etc. Call 267-2323, also Sun.

RECEPTIONIST, beauty salon, mature well will train in custom makeup, Waltham 1 28 area, 893-0620. SECRETARY, needed for small Boston public accounting office. Excellent opportunity for someone who likes working with figures and learning new skins with advancement possibilities. Position requires a self-starter with experience and responsibility to run an office. Diversified position.

Write S-304 GLOBE OFFICE. SECRETARY, Start $195. Friendly office. 35 hr. wk.

Young lawyer will train. Outstanding benefits, some typing light shorthand takes it. Fee Paid. Call Suzanne, 426-0131 BAILEY EMPLOYMENT OF BOS-TON. 100 Boylston St.

SECRETARY for small sales office in Needham. Diversified work with light typing. Must be dependable. Salary $140 per week. 449-0011.

TYPISTS, figure work, typists with aptitude for figures. Attractive employee benefits, cafeteria, public transportation and shopping nearby. Apply Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 175 Berkeley Street. Boston. Mass.

An equal opportunity employer MF. WE HAVE an immediate opening for an aggressive person to handle inside sales A purchasing. We are a fast growing small Company dealing in industrial air compressors. We offer a friendly environment, salary, liberal benefits. Call tor appt 244-140O.

GLOBE ADS PAY MEDICAL SECYS. $210... Fee Paid Outstanding opportunity for the people orientated individual interested in going to work for a worthwhile organization. Will deal with Doctors and patients and handle various administrative duties. Good secretarial skills desired.

For Immediate attention on this and other op- gortunitles call Mr. Steven iardner 266-8300. For suburbs call 273-0240. GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Knowledge of switchboard and TWX useful, typing required to assist in various office functions for Watertown importer. Hours 9-5.

Call 926-2520. LOAN COLLECTOR Expd. with bank or finance company background. Send resume or calf: SHAWMUT 1ST COUNTY BANK. Brockton, 1-586-5500 or 749-0024, ext.

153. SECYADMIN. ASST. Rare ooDortunitv for an ex Derienced alert selfatarter to assist busy exec, able to see a project thru ability to handle people a must. Shorthand desirable but not necessary.

Advancement opportunity fringe benefits, excel, salary commensurate wexper. WOMAN'S WORLD Mr. Lawrence 10-5. GENERAL OFFICE Leading supplier of rental uniforms has 2 full time positions avail, in Dorchester. (1) Switchboard receptionist, incl.

some typing, posting, riling. general aaminisira-tive position; incl. light typ-ina. detailed record keeDina etc. Call Steve Crowley for details and appt.

at 4f 2806. ACCOUNTANT Large Chariest own whole saler has ooenina for experi enced accountant capable of assuming semi-management position. Responsibilities in-; elude handling of multi cor-Dorate accounting records. Prior exposure to EDP helpful. Submit resume to W-33 Globe Office.


In the matter ot Teresita Alicea-Rivera ol Springfield, applicant for admission as attorney. Before reporting on the character, acquirements and qualifications of above named applicant for admission to the Massachusetts bar, the Board of Bar Examiners publishes this notice in accordance with Rule 3:01 6.3 of the Rules of the Supreme Judicial Court. Boston, October 2. 1978. FREDRIC S.


1978. No. 2174154. KAREN S. CARLSON VS.


JR. Upon the motion of the plaintiff in the above entitled action stating that she has amended her complaint for a marriage dissolution by setting forth the birth of a child, Kirsten Anne Carlson, on July 1. 1978, and praying for a change of the name of such child to Kirsten Anne Stopford, using the maiden name of the plaintiff mother as a last name, and asking for an order of notice, it appearing to and being found by the subscribing authority that said defendant is absent from the state and has gone to parts unknown, and that notice of said amendment most likely to come to his attention is that hereinafter ordered: It is ordered, that notice of the amendment ol said complaint be given to the defendant by some proper officer causing a true and attested copy ol this order of notice to be published in the "Boston Globe, a newspaper circulated In Boston, Massachusetts, once a week for two successive weeks. commencing on or before October 16. 1978.

and that return of such service be made to the above named Court. PAUL LEVtNE. Assistant Clerk. Oct. 3 10.

1978 LEGAL NO SHTHD. Prestigious firm needs a secry. who is capable of research work. Report directly to senior partner who allows his secry. administrative responsibilities.

No previous legal exp. nec. 3 wks. vacation. Call 227-4130.


created by promo. interesting oppty. for bright Eerson wgood typing great enefits call 262-0870 or 262-4110. R.A.D. ASSOC.

755 Boylston Boston Fee paid placement service ASST. BOOKKEEPER Bright, intelligent person needed to handle accounts receivable, accounts payable and tenant relations for small but growing real estate firm in oriyfiiun. iicivtJ ciate's Degree in accounting or equivalent experience and be able to type. Interested applicants please send re sume to: m. Meunier, k.u.

Box 250, Brighton, Mass. 02135. SECRETARY For office manager of growing downtown trust office. Normal duties, some statistical typing, back-up switchboard clerical work. MIST, Mag Card or System 6 experience required.

Pleasant office conditions, good benefits, 1 9-5 working hours. Above average initiative and ability will be rewarded. Call Mr. Robinson at 523-6531. 6 CLERK TYPISTS S140-S160 DOWNTOWN Some of Boston's finest good locations, excellent enefits, want good people NOW.

Call 262-0870 or 262- "JIM ASSOC. 755 Boylston Boston Fee paid placement service PRINTING CLERK FOR GEN. OFFICE WORK filing, sales correspondence, ability to organize. Good Tel. personality a must.

Excel, opp. for right person. Contact. MacDonald Evans 69 Tenean St. Dorchester.

282-3100 LEGAL SECRETARY Present Secy, moving. Govt. Ctr. area. 227-8380.

MINI COMPUTER OPER Call 427-1447 ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant for Natick firm, $170. Career oriented person to trow with our company, xc. typing, neat appearance, nonsmoker. Professionalism, strong work history a must. This is a job that offers tremendous growth potential for hard working person.

Work ts extremely interesting and diversified. Call 482-646. BOOKKEEPER wanted, part or full time for downtown Boston health food restaurant. Good salary. Call 482-6894.

Ask for Mr. Siegal. BOSTON CPA firm needs bright secretary with excel, typing skills, to also do general clerical duties, salary commensurate with ability. Call on Mrs. Gallo, at 742-3950.

EXECUTIVE Secretary. $220. Vice Pres. needs capable asst. Exciting growth com- Pany, lots of public contact, ull benefits plus dental.

Typing and occasional shorthand. Fee paid. Call Anita 426-0131. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT OF BOS-TON. 100 Boylston St.

EXPERIENCED Legal Secretary for small downtown Boston law firm, excel, skills, top salary fringe benefits. 542-7600. FULL CHARGE Bookkeeper- Accountant for growing recreation business. Call PLAYOFF. 848-8080.

ask for Debbi Vataha. FULL charge bookkeeper wanted. Salary negotiable. Call 742-6180. LIBERTY MUTUAL has positions for typists: figure work: typists with aptitude for figures.

Attractive employee benefits, cafeteria, public transportation and shopping nearby. Apply Liberty fvtulual insurance Company. 175 Berkeley Street. Boston. Mass.

An equal op-portunity employer MF -it -if if fl A A A A A. A A. a A A A A a a a LJa A. A A.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2025)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.