Tennessee Mountains > TennesseeValley Authority > TVALakes
[Fig.51] The system of TVA lakes begins in northeastern Tennessee on themajor tributaries of the Tennessee River, and all of the lakes offer water-orientedrecreational opportunities. At many locations, state, county, and city parksare located on theirshores, further broadening the scope of outdoor experiences.
Because flood control is one of the principal functions of the upper lakes,they experience considerable seasonal fluctuation, but southwest from Knoxville,where the mainstream Tennessee River begins, these water level changes areminor. This is because the river is navigational for the rest of its length,and certain channel depths must be maintained.
All of the lakes are excellent fisheries, and throughout the system thereis a great variety of species, including largemouth bass, smallmouth bass,spotted bass(Micropterus punctulatus), white bass, rock bass, stripedbass(Roccus saxatilis), striped bass/white bass hybrids, crappie, bluegill,walleye, sauger, several kinds of catfish, rainbow trout, brown trout, laketrout (Salvelinusnamaycush), and numerous kinds of rough fish.
Also, the tail waters, water below dams or waterpower developments, providegood fishing. Most are warm-water fisheries, but areas below dams that dischargewater from the lower depths of the reservoirs are cold-water fisheries thatcontain trout. The South Holston, Watauga, and Clinch tailraces all producetrophy specimens.
In recent years, TVA has done much to improve the quality of tailwaters byeliminating low dissolved oxygen levels and intermittent riverbed dry-out inareas below the dams. The solutions are site-specific and include the following:turbine venting, which is designed to provide an entrance for air as waterpasses through the turbines, making the water that is expelled at the end moreoxygen rich; surface water pumps, which work like big ceiling fans to pushwater from the oxygen-rich surface to the oxygen-depleted bottom; oxygen injection,which is a large-scale version of the same basic principle that aerates homeaquariums except it uses liquid oxygen instead of air; and aerating weirs,which are like man-made waterfalls.
Small hydropower units that kick in when the main units aren't operating,reregulating weirs, and pulsing operations are being used to sustain minimumflows.
The water flow below the dams is controlled from a central point, and computersdetermine power generation schedules. However, by calling (800) 238-2264, itis possible to learn when discharges are predicted through midnight of thefollowing day. This toll-free line also provides details about current lakelevels, future lake levels, and flows on unregulated streams.
South Holston Lake
[Fig.51(1)] South Holston Lake is in Sullivan County in the extreme northeasternportion of the state, and part of the reservoir extends into Virginia. SouthHolston River is the major tributary. The nearest city is Bristol, and thelake can be accessed on and from TN 421 between Bristol and Shady Valley oron TN44, which branches off TN 421 and becomes VA 75.
Public areas on the lake are the South Holston Dam Reservation; two USFS recreationareas, Lone Oak and Jacob's Creek; Sullivan County Park; and Washington CountyPark.
- Length of lake: 23.7 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 168.
- Surface acres: 7,580.
- Date impounded: 1948.
Watauga Lake
[Fig.51(2)] Also located in the northeastern corner of the region, WataugaLake lies in Johnson and Carter counties within the boundaries of the CherokeeNational Forest. Watauga River and Elk River are the major tributaries. Theclosest city is Elizabethton. The best access is on US 321 between Elizabethtonand Boone, North Carolina, and on TN 67 that branches off US 321 at the lake.There is also a secondary road fromElizabethton that leads to the dam.
Public areas on the lake are the Watauga Dam Reservation, and the USFS Carden'sBluff Campground.
- Length of lake: 16.3 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 106.
- Surface acres: 6,430.
- Date impounded: 1948.
Boone Lake
[Fig.51(3)] Boone Lake in situated in Sullivan and Washington counties inthe center of the Tri-Cities area of Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol.Watauga River is the major tributary. The best access is on secondary roadsoff of TN 36 between Johnson City and Kingsport, or from TN 75, which turnsright off TN36.
The only public area is the Boone Dam Reservation.
- Length of lake: 32.7 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 130.
- Surface acres: 4,310.
- Date impounded: 1952.
Fort Patrick Henry Lake
[Fig.51(4)] The dam at Fort Patrick Henry Lake is in the Kingsport citylimits, and all of this small impoundment lies within Sullivan County. It isaccessible from TN 36between Kingsport and Johnson City.
The single public area is Warrior Path State Park.
- Length of lake: 10.4 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 37.
- Surface acres: 872.
- Date impounded: 1953.
Cherokee Lake
[Fig.51(5)] Impounding lands in both Grainger and Hamblen counties, CherokeeLake is closest to Morristown. Its tributary is the Holston River. There arenumerous ways to access the lake. US 25E crosses the lake at about mid-point,US 11W parallels it between Rogersville and Rutledge, and US 11E is adjacentto it between Morristownand Jefferson City.
Public areas include Cherokee Dam Reservation, Panther Creek State Park, GraingerCounty Park, and TVA's May Springs and Fall Creek recreation areas.
- Length of lake: 54 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 393.
- Surface acres: 30,300.
- Date impounded: 1941.
Douglas Lake
[Fig.51(6)] Douglas Lake lies in co*cke, Jefferson, and Sevier counties.The French Broad River is its major tributary. The closest towns are Newportand Dandridge. Access can be gained on US 25E between Newport and White Pine;on US 25W/70 and TN 92, both of which turn left off US 411 southwest of Newport;and from TN 138,which parallels the western side of the lake.
Public areas are Douglas Dam Reservation and Sevier County Campground.
- Length of lake: 43.1 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 555.
- Surface acres: 30,400.
- Date impounded: 1943.
Norris Lake
[Fig.51(7)] Norris Lake, TVA's first dam-building project, is in Campbell,Knox, Union, Claiborne, Roane, and Anderson counties. Norris and Jacksboroare the closest towns to the southwestern end of the lake. The Powell and Clinchrivers are the major tributaries. There are several ways to access the lake:off US 441 off I-75 north of Knoxville; and off TN 61, TN 170, and TN 33, allof whichrun between Norris and Tazewell.
The public areas are Norris Dam Reservation, Norris Dam State Park, Cove LakeState Park, Anderson County Park, and Big Ridge State Park.
- Length of lake: 129 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 800.
- Surface acres: 34,200.
- Date impounded: 1936.
Fort Loudoun
[Fig.51(8)] Fort Loudoun Lake marks where the Holston and French Broad riversconverge to form the Tennessee River. The lake lies in Knox, Blount, and Loudoncounties. The closest cities are Knoxville and Lenoir City. Access to FortLoudoun can be gained from US 129 at Knoxville; TN 332 between Farragut andUS 70; TN 333between I-140 and US 321; and from US 321 at Lenoir City.
Public areas at Fort Loudoun Lake are Fort Loudoun Dam Reservation, LenoirCity Park, Concord Park, and TVA's Poland Creek Recreation Area.
- Length of lake: 60.8 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 360.
- Surface acres: 14,600.
- Date impounded: 1943.
Tellico Lake
[Fig.51(9)] Tellico Lake, on the Little Tennessee River, is in Loudon andMonroe counties. It is closest to Lenoir City. There is access to the lakeat the dam at Lenoir City on TN 444; on TN 72 east of US 411 between Maryvilleand Madisonville; and onUS 129, which turns left off US 411 south of Maryville.
Public areas include Tellico Dam Reservation, Fort Loudoun State HistoricPark,and Toqua Recreation Area.
- Length of lake: 33.2 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 373.
- Surface acres: 15,860.
- Date impounded: 1977.
Melton Hill Lake
[Fig.51(10)] Melton Hill, near Oak Ridge, is in Anderson and Roane counties.The major tributary is the Clinch River. To access the lake take TN 162 a fewmiles southeast of Oak Ridge or take the TN 95 exit north from I-40 betweenKnoxvilleand Kingston.
The public areas are Melton Hill Dam Reservation, Melton Hill Park, and HawRidge Park.
- Length of lake: 44 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 173.
- Surface acres: 4,180.
- Date impounded: 1963.
Watts Bar Lake
[Fig.51(11)] Watts Bar is in Rhea, Meigs, and Roane counties. The TennesseeRiver is its major tributary. Kingston is the closest town. From I-40 takeTN 58 to TN 304 orUS 27 south from Rockwood to reach the lake.
Public areas are Watts Bar Dam Resort; TVA's Rhea Springs Fooshee Pass, HornsbyHollow, and Riley Creek recreation areas; Roane County Park; and Kingston CityPark.
- Length of lake: 95.5 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 771.
- Surface acres: 39,000.
- Date impounded: 1942.
Chickamauga Lake
[Fig.51(12)] Chickamauga Dam is within the city limits of Chattanooga, butthe lake, which lies in Hamilton, Meigs, and Rhea counties, stretches manymiles to the north. US 27 parallels the lake on the west and TN 58 on the east,with numerous state and secondary roads branching off to the lake along theirlengths. The major tributaries are the Tennessee, Hiwassee, Tellico, and Ocoeerivers.
There are numerous public areas: Chickamauga Dam Reservation; Booker T. WashingtonState Park; Harrison Bay State Park; Chester Frost County Park; TVA's SkullIsland, Possum Creek, and Grasshopper Creek recreation areas; and Sale CreekRecreation Area.
- Length of lake: 59.8 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 810.
- Surface acres: 35,400.
- Date impounded: 1940.
Parksville (Ocoee) Lake
[Fig.51(13)] Parksville Lake on the Ocoee River is in Polk County betweenClevelandand Ducktown, and US 64 parallels the lake for its entire length.
The Parksville Campground is the only public area, but the Ocoee River RecreationArea is nearby.
- Length of lake: 7.5 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 47.
- Surface acres: 1,890.
- Date impounded: 1911.
Nickajack Lake
[Fig.51(14)] Nickajack, the final TVA reservoir in the eastern region, liesin Marion County a few miles west of Chattanooga. Its major tributaries arethe Tennessee and Sequatchie rivers. To reach the lake, take US 41/64/72 westfromI-24 at Chattanooga.
The public areas are the Nickajack Dam Reservation, TVA's Maple View RecreationArea, Marion County Park, Walker's Landing, Ross's Landing Park, and TennesseeRiverpark.
- Length of lake: 46.3 miles.
- Shoreline miles: 192.
- Surface acres: 10,370.
- Date impounded: 1967.