Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (2024)

Use this free timesheet calculator to keep track of your employee’s hours. Enter hours worked, breaks, and hourly wage for a weekly or biweekly total of estimated pay that helps you stay compliant.

How to use ClockShark’s free timesheet calculator

Once you collect your employees’ hours, it’s time to start with payroll.

Remember to calculate overtime pay for any hours worked over 40 in a week or eight in a day by 1.5 or 2 times their base hourly rate, depending on your state. Be sure to familiarize yourself with state laws.

Using the free time card calculator:

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (1)

1. Select the payroll frequencies used by your company:

  • Weekly: In a weekly payroll system, employees are paid every week, typically on the same day of the week, such as every Friday.
  • Biweekly: In a biweekly payroll system, employees are paid every two weeks, resulting in 26 payrolls per year (52 weeks divided by 2).

2. Select how many days a week your crew has worked:

  • Five days
  • Seven days

3. Select what overtime policy your company has:

  • Overtime (8hr/day): This term typically refers to overtime pay for employees who work more than 8 hours in a single workday. In some regions or industries, overtime pay may be triggered after 8 hours of work in a day, and employees are compensated at an increased rate for those extra hours.
  • Overtime (40hr/week): It refers to overtime pay for employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek. In many countries, employees are entitled to overtime pay when they exceed the standard 40-hour workweek. Overtime hours worked beyond 40 hours in a week are often compensated at an increased rate, typically 1.5 times the employee's regular hourly wage.
  • Exempt: Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay. They are paid a fixed salary regardless of the number of hours they work and are not entitled to overtime pay for working beyond the standard workweek or workday.

4. Enter the base hourly pay:

Here you should include the "hourly wage," which is the standard rate of compensation that an employee earns for each hour of work performed.

5. Select the overtime rate policy:

Specify how employees will be compensated for working overtime hours at different pay rates.

  • 1.5x Overtime Rate: This rate, often referred to as "time and a half," means that for every hour worked beyond the standard work hours (usually 40 hours in a workweek), employees are paid 1.5 times their regular hourly wage.
  • 2x Overtime Rate: This rate, often called "double time," means that for certain situations or specific conditions defined by the employer or labor laws (e.g., working on holidays or exceeding a certain number of hours in a single workday), employees are paid at a rate of 2 times their regular hourly wage.

6. Enter employees’ hours for each day of work:

  • Add the clock in time for each worked day.
  • Add the clock out for each worked day.
  • Add how many minutes the employee used during break time.

Avoid errors by following these suggestions:

  • Double-check time entries for accuracy.
  • Be sure the correct base pay is entered.
  • Allot for overtime/double time.
  • If someone turns in an illegible/damaged timesheet, contact them to get the correct information.
  • Be sure to calculate overtime/double-time pay for holidays worked, where applicable.

Get real-time visibility of your crew's time and location

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Need a better way to track your crew hours?

ClockShark enables construction and field service companies to have detailed information about every aspect of their company. Built for residential and commercial businesses, our time-tracking software helps contractors optimize their processes and operations, so they can have more time to focus on growing their businesses.

User-friendly interface: Intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for employees of all tech levels.

Accurate timesheets: Ensures that work hours are recorded correctly, avoiding mistakes in timesheet payment and billing.

No more forgetfulness: Remind your team to clock in and out, so no hours are missed.

Real-time information: See work hours and project progress in real-time, helping you catch issues early.

Easy Payroll: Eliminates the need for redundant data entry, reduces administrative workload, and minimizes the risk of payroll errors.

Mobile and web access: Crews in the field and office teams can easily track time from their devices.

Cost control: Manage labor costs effectively and stay within budget.

Compliance: Follow labor laws and regulations, reducing legal risks.

Accurate billing: Easily track billable hours for clients, ensuring fair compensation.

Streamlined project management: Efficiently organize tasks and projects by monitoring the progress of jobs and tasks, ensuring projects are completed on time.

Ready to transform your construction or field service business? Try ClockShark's mobile time-tracking app for free today! Start your free trial now!

Don't take our word for it. See what our customers say.

ClockShark is easy to use - provides all the basic functionality we need and added some we didn't have before, such as assigning jobs to the time worked.

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (2)

Stuart M.
Two Eighteen

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (3)

Easy to use. Easy to set up. Its just all around a wonderful product.

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (4)

Joe D.
Hospital & Health Care

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (5)

Easy to use. Great for payroll.Field guys love it.

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (6)

Sue T.

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (7)

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (8)

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (9)

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (10)

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (11)

Free Timesheet and Time Card Calculator (2024)


Is there a free app to calculate time worked? ›

Clockify is the most popular free work timer app that lets you and your team track how much time you spend on tasks and activities.

How can I calculate my time card? ›

Quick find
  1. Step 1: Determine start and end time.
  2. Step 2: Convert time to military time.
  3. Step 3: Subtract start time from end time.
  4. Step 4: Subtract unpaid breaks.
  5. Step 5: Convert to decimal format.
  6. Step 6: Add up total hours for pay period.
Sep 23, 2021

What is the 7 minute rule on a time card calculator? ›

To calculate the rounded time, add 7 to the actual minute the employee clocks in or out. Divide the result by 15 and round it to the nearest whole number. Multiply the rounded result by 15 to get the final rounded time.

How do you calculate clock card? ›

For each step, you must follow a set of calculations to ensure an accurate result.
  1. Step 1: Convert the time entries to 24-hour format. ...
  2. Step 2: Converting the minutes into decimal format. ...
  3. Step 3: Deduct the start time from the end time. ...
  4. Step 4: Sum the results from both shifts.

Is there a free timesheet app? ›

Jibble's timesheet app is 100% free forever for unlimited users.

Is there a free simple work hours tracker? ›

Clockify is a time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects. Unlimited users, free forever. Start tracking time — It's Free!

How do you calculate minutes on a timesheet? ›

All you need to do is divide your minutes by 60. For example, say your employee worked 20 hours and 15 minutes during the week. Divide your total minutes by 60 to get your decimal. For this pay period, your employee worked 20.25 hours.

What is the formula for calculating time? ›

The formula for time is given as [Time = Distance ÷ Speed]. To calculate the speed, the time formula will be molded as [Speed = Distance Travelled ÷ Time].

What is the easiest way to calculate hours? ›

With the start and end times in a 24-hour and decimal format, you can simply subtract the start time from the end time to determine the total work hours. For example: As John started work at 8:00 AM (08:00) and finished at 5:15 PM (17:00), his total work hours amount to 9:15 hours (17:15 – 8:00 = 9:15).

How do you write 7 hours and 45 minutes on a timesheet? ›

Time Card Conversion Examples

Let's say another employee worked 7 hours and 45 minutes. To convert this to decimal form, you would divide the minutes worked by 60, which gives you 0.75. Then, you would add that decimal to the total number of hours worked, which gives you 7.75 hours.

How much is 10 minutes on a time card? ›

Chart to Convert Minutes to Tenths of An Hour
Minutes to be reported ___________Tenth of Hour reported ___________Tenth of Hour reported ____________
10 min.0.20.5
11 min.0.20.5
12 min.0.20.5
13 min.0.20.6
16 more rows

How to calculate time card manually? ›

How to Manually Calculate Hours Worked
  1. Step 1: Determine each workday's start and end time. ...
  2. Step 2: Convert the time to military time. ...
  3. Step 3: Calculate the time difference. ...
  4. Step 4: Subtract unpaid breaks. ...
  5. Step 5: Convert the remaining time to decimal format. ...
  6. Step 6: Add up the total hours worked for the pay period.
Sep 2, 2022

What is time card calculator? ›

A time card calculator, often known as a timesheet, keeps track of how much time an employee spends on each job. It is basically used for recording the data of employees' working hours by entering the start and end times. Also, provides sufficient data on employee working hours including break times and overtime.

How to calculate payroll hours and minutes manually? ›

To calculate hours and minutes for payroll, first, total all the hours and minutes worked by each employee during the pay period. Then, convert the minutes into decimal form (60 minutes = 1 hour) and multiply the total hours worked by the employee's hourly rate to compute their pay.

Is Clockify completely free? ›

Clockify is free no matter how many users you have. To use PRO features, you'll need a paid subscription. Pricing starts from $3.99 per user seat.

Is WorkTime app free? ›

The Free plan provides a single set of working hours for the entire account. Upgrade to the Premium or Enterprise plan to get personalized working hours for each employee or department. Two-factor authentication is employed to ensure that the security of your WorkTime account aligns with the highest standards.

Is Time Timer app free? ›

Time Timer is here to help. This app is free during the COVID-19 crisis to help create structure for everyone during this time of uncertainty.

Is there a free app to clock in and out? ›

Time clock app features

Your office and remote/offsite employees can clock in on their mobile phones or desktop computer using the Clockify time clock, and that way record their attendance and breaks. If someone forgot to clock in, they can add the missing time manually.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.